
Consulting & Company Updates

The last few months have been a whirlwind, but I’m proud to say that Dolpheus is performing engagements for global clients, we’re healthy, and we’re looking forwards to a great 2022.

On a more personal note, I’m pleased to also announce a handful more patents issued of which I was an inventor. As of today, that brings the total to 19 – hopefully with a few more soon!


One of my goals for 2022 is to develop our partnerships with other firms – after all, together we’re greater than the sum of our parts! One of which is that we will be pursuing getting listed as a Hashicorp Partner.

Site Changes

Admittedly with my work at Microsoft, consulting work for Dolpheus, and taking time to be with family I’ve not been as vigilant about blog posts and site updates. I did end up launching as a way to increase visibility and hopefully push more Hashicorp Sentinel specific content there so that this site can be the landing page for Dolpheus and each of our practices can have its own dedicated site – after all, Dolpheus does a lot more than Sentinel!